

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Free Homeowner Info

Those Savvy Seattle Women are hosting another free workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 28th, 6:30-8P at the West Seattle Branch of The Seattle Public Library (2306 42nd Av SW). This time the topic is Winterizing Your Home and Yard. Not one, but TWO guest presenters will be on hand to offer DIY tips. Suzanne Greive, from Home Inspections of Puget Sound, will offer advice on how to keep on top of maintenance tasks around your home. Linnea Ferrell, Landscape Architect, will share her professional expertise concerning how to properly prepare your yard and garden for the winter to ensure that your plants return with healthy blooms in the Spring.

This workshop, like all SSW events, is offered as a community service and is open to everyone. No pre-registration is required. Presenters are not allowed to sell any products or services. (This event is not sponsored by The Seattle Public Library.)

For more information about Savvy Seattle Women, visit our website. http://www.savvyseattlewomen.com/. Or call me at 206-708-9800.

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