

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How savvy are you?

You are invited to join the ranks of Savvy Seattle Women, a home owners' network of local women offering each other support, information, referrals and other resources related to home ownership.

The founders of Savvy Seattle Women (SSW) are six West Seattle business women whose mission is to encourage and support women who either own, or want to own their own homes. The general membership is an ever-evolving group of Seattle women. There are no fees or dues involved. SSW currently offers free monthly workshops, online support/advice (http://www.savvyseattlewomen.ning.com/) and free service provider referrals.

In addition to the June 1st workshop, 7 Invaluable Home Owner Tips, upcoming workshops include:
How to Buy & Finance a Fixer, Tuesday, June 29th, 6:30-8PM, and
Everything You Need to Know About Community Property, Tuesday, July 27th, 6:30-8PM

Want to know more? Contact me via phone, 206-708-9800 or e-mail, SavvySeattleWomen@comcast.net.

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