

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Should you hire a home inspector?

Not Moving? A professional home inspection might be a good idea anyway.

So you’ve been in your home for years and you plan to stay there for quite a few more. You have no need for a professional home inspection, right? Well, maybe, but consider this. As your home ages and you become comfortable in your surroundings, it’s easy to let maintenance of the big ticket items slide a bit. e.g. How old IS the hot water tank now? Is the foundation holding up? Is the electrical system still adequate for our needs? These are questions an inspector can help you answer.

Here are some questions to ask if you want to hire an inspector:
1. Do you have a current Washington State Home Inspector License?
2. Are you a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors or the National Association of Home Inspectors?
3. How many inspections of similar properties do you do each year? References?
4. What specifically will the inspection cover? What is excluded?
5. Do you carry errors & omissions insurance? Do you guarantee your work?
6. What type of report will I receive after the inspection?
7. How long will the inspection take & how soon will I receive the report?
8. How much will the inspection cost? Do you offer any discounts?

Questions about this topic? Give me a call. 206-708-9800.

1 comment:

David Valley said...

The inspector’s qualifications, including their experience, training, certifications and professional affiliations should be the most important considerations. There are home inspectors out there that are not licensed or have no certifications whatsoever, so be careful in your decision making. The best source is a friend, or perhaps a business acquaintance, who has been satisfied with and can recommend a home inspector that they have used in the past. In addition, the names of local inspectors can be found on the Internet where many home inspectors will advertise under keywords "Massachusetts Home Inspections". Real estate Buyer agents are also generally familiar with the service and should be able to provide you with a list of names from which to choose from.

Whatever your referral source, you will want to make sure that the home inspector is a Member of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) in order to be certain of his or her professional qualifications, experience, and business ethics.