

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Latest Market Tracker Report available

The October Market Tracker report -- the most recent available, as statistics are always from the previous month -- are now available here and on my Prudential website. This report is in the form of 4 separate graphs which track sales statistics for homes in a particular zip code. I have posted reports for zip codes 98106, 98116, 98126, 98135 and 98146; others are available for the asking.

Contact me to have the Market Tracker e-mailed to you on (or about) the 9th of each month, or just pull it up on the Home page of my main website, www.AliceKuder.pnwRealty.com

Click on the zip code to download a PDF file copy of the report.
98106, 98116, 98126, 98136, 98146

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