

Friday, November 28, 2008

Current loan rates are great!

Here is a quick overview of loan rate activity for this past week, according to Troy Chambers, loan officer for Arboretum Mortgage:

What a Week!
The one time I decide to take a few days off from the computer, the rates drop like a lead balloon! Don’t get me wrong, I was able to lock in over 2.2 million in new loans in one day, and I was ecstatic! It was a little difficult to do from my in-laws place in Arizona, but when the market turns, we gotta do what we gotta do!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and the tryptophan has wore off, because rates are still very good. After seeing them go as low as 5.250 on Tuesday, they have risen back up, but as you can see, are still very low, in the mid to high 5’s. The only programs that were affected drastically this week where the conforming fixed rate products.

Please feel free to contact me on my cell phone at 425-418-5103 at any time, as it is always on!

Troy Chambers
Arboretum Mortgage
Phone: 206-720-6628
Fax: 206-860-9340

Click here to see a table of loan rates.

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