The nucleus of SSW is a group of six professional women, lead by me, dedicated to helping other women achieve and maintain their goals of home ownership. With the exception of the founders, membership is informatl and free. The primary services we currently provide are: monthly workshops, professional referrals, and online advice and support via our own social network, which you can access at
Mark you calendar for our inaugural workshop, titled: 7 Invaluable Home Owner Tips.
Tuesday, June 1st 6:30-8PM at the Prudential office in Jefferson Square. This is a no-cost event and the presenters are strictly prohibited from selling products or services. Although SSW is geared toward women, the general public is welcome at all our events.
Information about SSW can also be found at: Just type the zip code 98116 in the search box on the first page.
The founding members of SSW are:
Back row, left to right: Sharon Best, Kelli Strand, Lori Richmond, Laurie Aull.
Front Row, Alice Kuder, Diane Moorman